Norfolk and Norwich Bat Group


For the latest news of events and training, sign up to emails through our membership page

Here is a list of some of our 2024 walks, talks and events.

  • Bat Watching at Paston Great Barn for National Nature Reserves Week – Friday 31st May. *Sorry Sold Out*
  • Deepdale Farm Open Farm Sunday – Saturday 2nd June. All day event. Free. Booking:
  • Gissing’s Classic Cars & Country Pursuits – Saturday 2nd June, 11.00am – 4.00pm, Rectory Road, Gissing. Admission £5 (children free).
  • Love Bats, bat walk and talk for Great Big Green Week – Thursday 6th June, 8.45pm, Eye, Suffolk. (£5 suggested donation.)
  • Wild About Mannington Day – Saturday 15th June, 10.00am – 4.00 pm. Admission £10 (children free).
  • Surlingham Church Bat Night – Saturday 13th July, 8.45pm. Talk, followed by a chance to watch/count the bats emerging. Free event for members. Contact us norwichbatgroup[at] for full details.
  • Bat Walk at Burnham Deepdale – Saturday 27th July, 8.30pm. Bat walk at Deepdale Farm. Booking essential:
  • Bat Walk for Lakenham 25 – Friday 16th August, 7.30pm – 9.30pm, Brazen Gate, Lakenham, Norwich.
  • Bat Nights at RSPB Strumpshaw Fen – Friday 6th September, 7.15pm – 8.45pm and Wednesday 18th September, 6.30pm – 8.00pm. £6-£13. Booking essential:


Some selected photos from past events

Wild Lakenham bat walk, 7th August 2023

Bat and boat trip in association with the Broads Authority – Whitlingham Broad Country Park, 17th September 2019.

Gressenhall bat night, 13th September 2019.

Bat and boat trip in association with the Broads Authority – Whitlingham Broad Country Park, 28th August 2019.

Talk on the Bats and Mills in the Broads, by Andrea Kelly, Senior Ecologist at the Broads Authority, Thursday 12th April 2018

Water, Mills and Marshes is the Broads Landscape Partnership Project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project has a big focus on recording and repairing some of the iconic drainage mills on Halvergate marshes, an area which boasts one of the greatest concentration of such mills in Europe. As well as the heritage focus, the enhancement of mills as places for wildlife was explored, with a focus on providing enhancements for bats.


Keep an eye on the website to see what else is coming up. Contact us if you want to know more.




For the latest news of events and training, sign up to emails through our membership page


Some selected photos from past events

Bat and boat trip in association with the Broads Authority – Whitlingham Broad Country Park, 17th September 2019.

Gressenhall bat night, 13th September 2019.

Bat and boat trip in association with the Broads Authority – Whitlingham Broad Country Park, 28th August 2019.

Talk on the Bats and Mills in the Broads, by Andrea Kelly, Senior Ecologist at the Broads Authority, Thursday 12th April 2018

Water, Mills and Marshes is the Broads Landscape Partnership Project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project has a big focus on recording and repairing some of the iconic drainage mills on Halvergate marshes, an area which boasts one of the greatest concentration of such mills in Europe. As well as the heritage focus, the enhancement of mills as places for wildlife was explored, with a focus on providing enhancements for bats.


Keep an eye on the website to see what else is coming up. Contact us if you want to know more.
